Incarnation Manual
Book 152 pages - soft cover.
Le Courrier du Livre at Édition Trédaniel - 2020
👉🏻12 fundamental themes dissected
👉🏻A deep process in 4 steps
👉🏻Practical exercises to write & live
👉🏻5 expériences vibratoires (réalité augmentée) inédites à_cc781905-5cde- 3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ experiment
Book available in bookstores near you and online:
“Consciously creating what we wish to appear in the world is the best way to embody who we are”

Augmented reality is a technology that inserts computer-generated images onto real illustrations using your mobile phone or tablet.
Here, on the 5 illustrations present in the book, you will be able, after downloading a very simple application for free, to have access to this unique energy experience.
No words, just moving shapes that you can feel and experience on a non-mental level.

Each illustration resonates with certain unconscious parts, certain energy structures can be updated thanks to new information emanating from augmented reality.
These forms have been informed in order to generate an experience of consciousness according to the linked chapter.
For each chapter, I have created an augmented reality that will give access to the energetic essence of the chapter, to integrate it without going through the mind, and therefore directly access deeper levels of you._cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ So I informed these moving forms so that everyone could integrate the energy connected to the chapter.
Book 152 pages - soft cover.
Le Courrier du Livre at Édition Trédaniel - 2020
👉🏻12 fundamental themes dissected
👉🏻A deep process in 4 steps
👉🏻Practical exercises to write & live
👉🏻5 expériences vibratoires (réalité augmentée) inédites à_cc781905-5cde- 3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ experiment